IMPORTANT: If you cannot attend, please unregister 48 hours prior to the event - you will be blacklisted if you do not attend a workshop for which you have registered! The workshops are exclusive to CPI Academy members.
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CPI Academy Workshops | Registration Desk
Please register online for the workshops on the corresponding workshop page.
IMPORTANT: If you cannot attend, please unregister 48 hours prior to the event - you will be blacklisted if you do not attend a workshop for which you have registered! The workshops are exclusive to CPI Academy members.
Description This workshop is about scientific poster presentations, their design, and how to present (pitch) them well. An effective poster presentation requires a cleverly designed poster, appropriate use of language […]
Description: By now, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram are no longer new. For many scientists, social media platforms have become an integral tool for global networking, sharing research ideas, and job […]
Detailed workinar content overview: Basic ImageJ macro recording of a general image analysis pipeline Basics about variables and macro command and how to use them Looping over image files, table […]
Description: Have you ever had problems falling asleep or concentrating because of a stressful and uncertain time? Well, you are not alone. Stress is a common consequence of high workloads […]
Description It is widespread for PhD students and postdocs to feel insecure about their achievements and employability outside of academia. But in many cases, it is just an understatement. You […]
Description As a scientist, we often work in a cross-cultural setting. Our research groups are international, we collaborate around the globe, and most of us will spend part -or even […]
Description: In our time management workshop for scientists, you´ll learn that every week has 7 days, 168 hours or 10080 minutes… a lot of time to do a lot of […]