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Reimer Köster
March 2024

Marcel Schulz appointed Professor for Artificial Intelligence in Genome Research

We are delighted to congratulate Prof. Marcel Schulz, who is now taking up the professorship for Artificial Intelligence in Genome Research at Goethe University Frankfurt. His expertise in this field has also advanced our research at the Cardio-Pulmonary Institute in recent years. We are happy to count him among our faculty members.

Prof. Bernhard Brüne, Vice President of Goethe University for Research, Young Investigators and Transfer, is also happy about the success of Marcel Schulz’s appointment: “We strongly support his plan to bring together and further develop bioinformatics expertise at the Frankfurt site and to make important contributions to the success of our Cluster of Excellence Cardiopulmonary Institute (CPI).”

Read more: https://aktuelles.uni-frankfurt.de/forschung/genomforschung-mit-kuenstlicher-intelligenz-neue-professur-an-der-goethe-universitaet/

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