CPI Academy Workshops | Registration Desk
Please register online for the workshops on the corresponding workshop page.
IMPORTANT: If you cannot attend, please unregister 48 hours prior to the event - you will be blacklisted if you do not attend a workshop for which you have registered! The workshops are exclusive to CPI Academy members.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Claudia Koch.
Detailed workinar content overview:
All methods are learned hands-on with plenty of practical exercises to get confidence in applying them in your daily work.
GSP / Data Analysis / Hard Skills
The workshop will be held as a virtual live workinar with many hands-on sessions via Zoom.
2 days, each day 9:00 to ~15:30 (max, mostly 15:00 but plan some buffer time)
Main Target Group and Focus:
The course has a very strong focus on fluorescent micrographs! There will be NO analysis of gels or Western blots. Images from immunohistochemical stainings (non-fluorescent) will also be partially discussed, since processing is in parts similar.
Difficulty Level:
The difficulty level is medium and easy to follow in step by step procedures and in-depth explanation of the necessary background to the individual methods. Also scientists with some prior knowledge will still benefit from the methods taught.
During the course we will exclusively work with a customized version of Fiji (ImageJ bundle) Fiji is free of charge, accessible for everybody and open source. Prior software knowledge is not required but might be of advantage.
Registered participants will receive all information regarding software preparation on time before the workshop via email.