Logo of the Cardio Pulmonary Institute (CPI)


April 2023

Honorary Membership DGIM for Werner Seeger

Congratulations to Werner Seeger for receiving the honorary membership of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin e.V. (DGIM) 
January 2023

Best oral presentation at CIRCLE-DOME 2 Meeting

Pieterjan Dierickx won the award for best oral presentation  at the Circadian Rhythm and Timing of Lifestyle Factors on Cardiometabolic Risk – the CIRCLE-DOME 2 meeting in Copenhagen.
December 2022

Highly Cited Researchers 2022

Excellent news: 4 CPI researchers belong to the highly cited researchers 2022 ClarivateAG. They rank in top 1% by citations for a field and publication year in webofscience.
April 2022

Prizes at DGK 2023

Congratulations to alle CPI members who received a prize at the annual meeting of the German Cardiac Society 2023.
April 2022

Otto Warburg Medal 2022 for Stefanie Dimmeler

Stefanie Dimmeler has been awarded the Otto Warburg Medal 2022.
April 2022

Three ERC Advanced Grants and 7.2 million euro for CPI researcher

The European Research Council supports the projects of CPI faculty members Stefanie Dimmeler, Andreas Zeiher and Ivan Đikić with a total of 7.2 million euro for their high-risk projects aiming towards scientific breakthroughs.
March 2022

LOEWE-Spitzen-Professur for Prof. Dr. Herold

Prof. Dr. Susanne Herold has been awarded a LOEWE-Spitzen-Professur at Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU).
December 2021

Genome Biologics funded with up to €9.8M by EIC

CPI faculty member Jaya Krishnan, co-founder of genome biologics, is honoured to be selected by the European Innovation Council (EIC) to receive up to €9.8M in equity funding to accelerate the development of the company and clinical programs for cardiovascular disease.
September 2021

CPI ”A day of science”

The CPI “A day of science” took place on 9 September 2021 in Frankfurt am Main. Almost 120 CPI members participated and made this a very interesting event with scientific talks, poster session and networking.
April 2021

Preisverleihung 87. DGK Jahrestagung 2021

Congratulations! At the 87th annual meeting of the German Society for Cardiology – Heart and Circulatory Research e. V. (DGK) Stefanie Dimmeler received the Paul-Morawitz-Preis and Sofia-Iris Bibli received the Oskar-Lapp-Forschungspreis.
December 2020

ERC Consolidator Grant Reinier Boon

Fantastic News! CPI PI Reinier Boon received an ERC Consolidator Grant to investigate the contribution of non-coding RNAs in aging-related diseases!
November 2020

CPI News
