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CPI Academy Workshops

IMPORTANT: If you cannot attend, please unregister 48 hours prior to the event - you will be blacklisted if you do not attend a workshop for which you have registered! The workshops are exclusive to CPI Academy members.

CPI Academy Workshops | Registration Desk

Please register online for the workshops on the corresponding workshop page.

IMPORTANT: If you cannot attend, please unregister 48 hours prior to the event - you will be blacklisted if you do not attend a workshop for which you have registered! The workshops are exclusive to CPI Academy members.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Claudia Koch.

Adobe Illustrator Essentials

The course is for beginner and will give an insight into the most important functions of Illustrator to create scientific illustrations: Program application areas, desktop, profile, drawing areas, navigation, views and auxiliary functions such as auxiliary lines, preferences and shortcuts as well as information and exercises on object creation, editing, and organization. There will be […]

Oral presentations online and offline

Description The Corona crisis is changing the way scientists communicate, both online and offline. With more people working remotely (and having physical distance regulations not every meeting room allows for), video conferencing is here to stay. Hence, many conferences, seminars, lectures and job interviews will continue to happen online, but some will be face-to-face. How […]

Captivate an audience - about science communication & storytelling (Online talk)

Description Do you need to present your science and think it is a good idea to jump headlong to your results and not lose valuable time? If you present your work to your supervisor, this might be fine, but any other audience is unlikely to be enthusiastic. You’ll learn how to captivate an audience with […]

Adobe Illustrator Advanced

The course will help you to create and manage complex vector objects accurately and selectively in the shortest possible time. Intelligent, deepened and professional work. Analysis and efficient editing of objects. Deepening existing basic knowledge. Advanced, precise drawing of individual vector shapes. Trace pixels as vectors. Construct and transform complex objects effortlessly. Graphic styles. Effects […]

Years not lost: How to stay attractive for industry while working in academia? (Talk)

Description You do research at uni and love your work. However, you don´t want to run into a dead-end street, being kicked out of the ivory tower in your early forties. Can you prepare for a possible exit strategy, increasing your market value while working in academic research? With this presentation, we want to look […]

What it takes to succeed in industry - ask an expert (Q&A session)

Join us for an exceptional opportunity to meet and learn from our distinguished guest.This event will provide you with an exclusive platform to: 1. Research in academia and industry: more similar than you might think. 2. Understand the skills and qualifications sought by industry leaders. 3. Learn about the various career paths and opportunities available […]

Women and Career

The workshop consists of 4 webinars: 5.7-6.7 (9.00-11.30) + 10.7 (9.00-11.30 + 13.00-15.30)! Description: Since a few decades the rights of women and in particular of working women have changed dramatically. But does this also translate into a world full of possibilities or are we still stuck in the process of climbing the various ladders […]

Film your science

Description Do you want to learn to communicate your science visually without spending excessive time or money? In this workshop, you’ll learn to make appealing short films about your research with equipment as simple as your smartphone. We will teach you everything necessary to make good and useful footage for your own video in half […]

Introduction to quality management systems (QMS)

Description In many companies, quality management knowledge is expected of graduates from the life sciences, but is rarely taught at universities. For this reason, this course offers an introduction to the various quality management systems (QMS) and industry-associated processes. The aim is to understand job advertisements’ requirements and keywords and better assess possible future professional […]

The academic track

Description Are you dreaming of becoming a professor one day? Or, are you just not sure yet if this is the ‘right’ career path for you? Then this online workshop is the perfect way to find out more about the academic track, what universities are looking for, and how to plan your career strategically.   […]

Convincing and debating

Description Scientists are often in a situation where they need to discuss their findings or their need for extra funding or resources with other members of the scientific community or with the gen-eral public. Therefore, the ability to express yourself concisely and clearly, using strong ar-guments, is of utmost importance. This interactive seminar with real-life […]

Adobe Illustrator Essentials

The course is for beginner and will give an insight into the most important functions of Illustrator to create scientific illustrations: Program application areas, desktop, profile, drawing areas, navigation, views and auxiliary functions such as auxiliary lines, preferences and shortcuts as well as information and exercises on object creation, editing, and organization. There will be […]

Graduated and now? – A look at career options

Description You have just finished your science degree or will do so in the near future? What could come next and how to prepare for this big step in your career? In this talk, we´ll look at the (alternative) career options that young scientists have once they have graduated. How can you learn about these […]